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  • Writer's pictureRohima Abedin

What does ‘Finding Your Passion’ actually mean?

This is an age old question! For many people, it can take years to find out where their passion lies.

I recognised that I needed to search for my passion when I began feeling disheartened in my job. I remember waking up and feeling no excitement or motivation for my day ahead in the office. This wasn’t what a career path should be! I wanted to find a role where I felt inspired and driven. Over a period of time which involved in much self-analysis, it led me to the path of becoming a Career Coach.

To begin with, the transitioning of roles felt overwhelming! I wasn’t sure where to start, and it was very daunting. There was a point in time where I felt paralysed by the amount of work I had to put in. I couldn’t get the negative thoughts out of my mind despite trying. Time was passing by. I was no further forward towards achieving my goal. This pattern of thinking was unhealthy, and I found myself back to where I started…

Unhappy, unfulfilled and feeling trapped!

Does this sound familiar?

It was only when I began to have conversations out loud with trusted professionals that I realised my passion could manifest into reality.

Most people think that finding passion can be the same as finding the holy grail! Well before you give up hope, think about it a little more. What does ‘finding your passion’ really mean to you? You could start off by asking yourself the question ‘what does passion actually consist of?’

Passion is a mixture of both a real interest and action. When you are passionate about something, you not only think about it (with high interest), you also engage with the tasks in a positive manner (action).

When I realised I wanted to become a Career Coach, it was a sequence of events that evolved over a 12 month period. It didn’t happen overnight, but it was my deep interest in wanting to make a difference to people that was my driving force.

I would advise you to get contemplating! Where does your passion lie? How can you get the ball rolling?

A few questions to ask yourself:

  • What sparks your interests and makes your eyes light up?

  • What are you currently doing in your life that makes you truly happy? This could be a hobby that you actively engage in and gives you much pleasure.

  • If you asked a couple of friends the questions ‘What career could you see me in?’ what would they say? Getting a different perspective might help you identify an area you’ve perhaps not considered.

Most importantly, be curious and explore your options. Get involved in new things, sign up to courses, attend events, read books, listen to podcasts and talk to people in the field you’re exploring. This process is an iterative one, and one that may take some time but I promise it will be worth it in the end!  

Believe in yourself because you will get there.

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