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  • Writer's pictureRohima Abedin

Do I apply for a role knowing my skills don’t fully meet the job spec?

I’ve been asked this question a few times recently and my response has always been a whole hearted YES! As the saying goes, you have to be in it to win it!

Utilise your transferrable skills

We often forget we have transferrable skills that can mitigate skills lacking, therefore it’s imperative you highlight those. Be sure to put a strong case forward in your covering letter.

I will always remember a candidate I once interviewed who’s personality, attitude and enthusiasm filled the room. Despite not ticking the boxes technically, her passion for the job coupled with her determined attitude (as demonstrated by her career history plus her hobbies/interests) meant the job was hers the moment she left the interview room!

Do remind yourself that you have nothing to lose but a job to gain!

I’m here to help you if you’re stuck, so drop me a line for a free initial chat.

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