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  • Writer's pictureRohima Abedin

Are you a contractor looking for your next role but struggling?

Updated: May 12, 2019

Are you looking to move into the contract market? Are you finding the market more competitive and roles harder to find?

Over the past few months I have been working with a number of seasoned contractors, who previously have found roles through their own networks. For various reasons, many of them have found themselves in a situation where they’ve not been able to rely on referrals. They are in unfamiliar territory. Unsure, stuck and daunted about the whole job search process and anxious about interviews, where before they walked into their next role through ‘informal chats’.

Working with contractors over the past 10 years in recruitment and consulting, I have directly worked with many who regularly move around every 3, 6 or 12 months taking their expert skills and experience for various contract roles. With the changes in the market, many are unsure how to market themselves and structure their responses to interviews as they've not done it for such a long time!

Is this you?

Here’s how I helped a recent contractor secure a very lucrative 12 month contract.

A highly experienced Infrastructure Project Manager contacted me for some interview coaching. He had applied for a role that was very competitive. He realised that he was out of practice and hadn’t needed to attend ‘formal’ interviews in a long time. This is his testimonial:

“Having been a stalwart contractor at the turn of the century and beyond, I found myself in a difficult position 6 years ago and ended up taking a permanent role which I'd not bargained for. So at the age of 54 when I was faced with redundancy I was determined to maximise my chances of returning to contracting. With Rohima's help, I managed to provide myself with a wonderful opportunity to join a really fantastic programme as an Infrastructure Programme Lead. I successfully converted my one and only interview into an offer of a 12 month contract. The interview preparation Rohima gave me made all the difference and filled me with the confidence I needed to nail the role. I can't thank her enough.”

I am always thrilled to hear such positive feedback. This is what inspires me to keep on making differences to people’s lives!

So whatever your role in IT, if you feel you need that extra confidence boost to go out there and land your next contract role, I can help.

My sessions are straight to the point, with honest feedback with practical solutions for you to work on. A minimum of 2 sessions can be all that’s needed to help you feel better and in control.

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