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Career Coaching

Looking to return to work after a career break?


Need help impressing a prospective employer?


Terrified of being interviewed?


Looking for your first graduate job?


I'm a specialist Career & Interview Coach, and I can offer you a fully tailored service to suit your needs.


As your Coach, I will provide support in the areas you need and work with you to develop the confidence and skills to ensure you move forward in your career.


Take a look at my services and contact me for an initial free 15 minute consultation.

My Services

My Services

Want to strategically advance your career or pitch yourself effectively to new employers? 

Stepping out is a package of 4 sessions.

Uncover smarter ways to identify career opportunities and land your next role. Accelerate is a package of 8 sessions. 

If you're looking for a specific service, I offer individual coaching options to meet an immediate need.

Looking Out of a Skyscaper
Blurred Busines People

“Rohima really helped me refresh my CV and interview skills after a long period of absence from work looking after my children. She also was key to restoring my confidence to seek out senior and challenging roles which has successfully led me onto a new and rewarding career path.”


Now MFHA Course Instructor and qualified Counsellor

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© 2019 Rohima Coaching

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